Kiss Wedding Books – Linen Albums

I posted previously on my blog about KISS wedding books, my preferred album vendor. KISS continues to impress me with their service, ease of ordering, and quality. Last year I delivered several KISS albums to my clients and I am looking forward to doing the same in 2012. My previous post focused on KISS leather bound books, in this post I am going to highlight KISS linen bound albums.

The image below contains 3 KISS albums, a black 12″ x 12″ leather bound, a white 10″ x 10″ leather bound, and a 8″ x 8″ linen bound album. I offer linen and leather albums in those 3 sizes.

los angeles wedding photography

Here is a different view showing their thickness. The black leather album contains 42 pages, the white leather album contains 46 pages, and the red linen album contains 20 pages.

los angeles wedding photography

As you can see in the image below the binding is a little different between a linen bound and a leather bound album. The linen bound albums don’t have a board between each print, instead the prints are just glued together back-to-back allowing the pages to flex easily when going through the album. With the leather bound album the prints are glued to the board so the book is much thicker, heavier, and more solid.

los angeles wedding photography

Here is another view of a linen bound album.

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Both the linen and leather bound albums are offered in the same color. These are my linen swatches.

los angeles wedding photography

I have been really happy with the linen and leather albums made by KISS that I have in my studio and the ones I have delivered to my clients. I encourage all my clients to go with a leather bound album if it fits in their wedding photography budget. I like to offer linen bound albums as parent books and guest signature books. I also offer a linen bound wedding album with my lowest package that includes an album. Whether you chose to go with a linen or leather album, I know you will enjoy it for years to come!

Here are some of my favorite 2-page spreads from some of my amazing couples!

Justin & Melisa’s guest signature album. I designed the pages with extra space so wedding guests can leave a note to the happy couple!

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los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

A few from Ryan & Lisa’s amazing Stone Manor Malibu wedding.

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

A few from Brandi & Court’s amazing Vibiana wedding. Their album ended up being 58 pages!

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los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

los angeles wedding photography

If you want to see more you will have to come into my studio to see the samples in person.


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